Tuesday 18 August 2009

s u s h i o l o g y

life. 4 letters. and yet its THE word. im gonna turn on my lame switch and discuss foodphilosophy. people are the sushi, life is the soysauce, experience is the wasabi. some people don't have a life. in other words they are out of soy sauce. lame and lamer. some people refuse to have wasabi with their soy sauce. in other words, they avoid risks and rather not try something new, hot and exciting. and we, the sushi, we get eaten by our bosses, we get spit out by our lovers, we get poked at by our colleagues. and whats God then? the chopsticks? damn im good.

me: dude! read my new book on SUSHIOLOGY!
dude: maaaan, thats deep.
jealous bitch: well its not exactly Art of War.
me: bitch.
dude: bitch.