Friday 21 August 2009

h a p p y h a p p y j o y j o y

they say depression can get really bad. well, im not sure if i have ever experience from severe depression ( i suffer from severe hunger, thats a fact *makan saja jua eh* ) but yes, as a 19 year old writing in a pathetic meaningless blog, i can get real down sometimes. sometimes it just happens for no reason.
have you ever get in that mood where you just go "sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ?
tapi indakan nada pasal. at least something must have triggered it. anything.
possibly it is merely psychological. nyeh. lets not get too scientific about it.
nim lah, moody lah, down lah. its amazing how us bruneians can make certain corny english phrases so overused.

its normal for us to be a bit down now and then. usually it goes away if something good or eventful happens, or it goes away when you wake up the next morning.
when i get depressed, i feel useless. and this is not healthy.
seriously, life would be so much better if we could just be cheery all the time. but thats not possible. because bad old overweight Mr Depression escaped out of Pandora's box.

my depression cures (not guaranteed at all)

- consume junk food, fast food. chocolate, fries, burgers, indomee, whatever, as long as its fatteningly scrumptious and shit.
- listen to favorite songs. jangan lagu yang membuat makin depressed ehh, feel good songs lah. tapi jgn hannah montana ehh, atu overdose tuu.
- talk or chat with friends. friends are the best cause they are there for you and they also go through the same shit as you do =)
- do the silly dance.
- go to the beach.
- if you have a little sister or brother, she or he can instantly put a smile on your face no matter what your stupid adolescent problems are. just don't make em cry. yes they are annoying but its better than taking drugs. apakan.
- shopping. for girls only.
- watch a good funny dvd. scrubs is palui and i love it.