Thursday 11 March 2010

rants about idk

After a long period of dormancy, here I am again. I can say that I am up to my head in assignments, things to do and what-not. The thing about taking a Social Sciences course like Politics is that it requires, no, demands a shit load of reading. Sometimes how I wish that old bookworm habit of mine resurfaces. I still do love to read, it is an unremovable function within me to be passionate about English books. But I can help but fall prey to the endless availability of “other things to do besides reading”. Messenger, Facebook, That Sexy Ipod and Youtube are just some of the culprits that can automatically steal the typical youth’s attention span from other boring responsibilities like, what do you call it? Oh yeah, studying. But then again, there will always be that voice in your head reminding you exactly why you got dumped into this place called university in the first place. (Right now I’m imagining a huge yellow, black and red helicopter up in the sky spitting out bewildered teens armed with “How to deal with culture shock” handbooks) Add the fact that you’re on a government scholarship that binds you to a frightening contract, and there’s good ol’ mum and dad and si kucing back home and yada yada yada you get the point; the usual this-is-for-my-future argument. And it is good that many young aspiring Bruneians do have an inkling of moral responsibilities. Speaking of responsibility, my International Politics essay is going nowhere right now. Why the fuck did I pick Marxism as my topic I have no idea. Academics struggle to conceptualize Marx in International Relations and here I am thinking I can write 2000 words. You might say that I could just conjure up some fancy bullshit that sounds smart and stick a random page in the footnote. Well, even creating some fancy bullshit that sounds smart and sticking a random page in the footnote is not that easy babe. Seriously, these so called theoreticians use such complex language to put such a simple point across. It annoys me that I have to constantly flip through my dictionary. Sometimes I would just try Googling the definition. Funny how we google everything now. I used to think Google was such a silly word but now I realize I cannot live without it. Thankyou whoever you are, Google creator.